Add or remove a search engine in Firefox

Firefox comes with a number of available search engines by default. Many websites offer search engines that you tin add to Firefox. This allows you to search with that website's search engine, straight from your Firefox address bar or Search bar. This article explains how to add or remove the search engines that Firefox uses.

  • To change other search settings, see Change your default search settings in Firefox.
  • To learn most using search engine keywords, see Assign shortcuts to search engines.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Add search engines
    • 1.1 Add a search engine from the Search bar
    • 1.2 Add a search engine from the address bar
    • i.three Search engine add-ons
  • ii Hibernate search engines
  • 3 Remove search engines
    • three.1 Calculation dorsum a removed search engine

Add search engines

Notation: If you removed ane of the default search engines built into Firefox, such as Google, yous can restore the default search engines in your Firefox Options Preferences Settings to add it dorsum. See Remove search engines and Calculation back a removed search engine, below.

Firefox offers an optional Search bar. See Add the Search bar to your Firefox toolbar to add it to Firefox.

  1. Visit a website that offers an OpenSearch search engine (nosotros'll use as an case).
  2. Click the magnifying glass addsearch 40 in the Search bar.
  3. Click on .
    Fx78AddYouTubeSearch Fx89AddFromSearchBar

The search engine will announced in your available search options.

Add a search engine from the address bar

When y'all visit a website that offers an OpenSearch search engine, you tin can add it from the address bar Folio deportment context bill of fare (nosotros'll use as an example).

  1. Correct-click Concord downward the control fundamental while you lot click on the address bar.
  2. Select from the menu.

To add together search engine discovery to the address bar: Right-click Concord downward the command key while yous click the Folio Actions bill of fare item that indicates an available search engine (as shown in a higher place for YouTube) and select "Add to Accost Bar". A search engine icon will exist added to the address bar. When you visit a different site that offers a search engine (such equally world wide and then an icon for that site will appear in the accost bar.


You can click on the website icon in the address bar to add the search engine.

Search engine add together-ons

Many providers offering search engine add-ons. To detect these search engines and add together them to Firefox:

  1. Open the Search panel in Firefox Options Preferences Settings using i of these methods:
  2. At the bottom of the Search console, click on the Find more search engines link. The Firefox Add together-ons website will open.
  3. Select the search engine addition y'all want to install and click Add to Firefox.

Note: The Mycroft Project website also offers search engine add-ons for Firefox and other browsers.

Follow these steps to remove alternative search engines you don't want to use.

  1. Open the Search panel in Firefox Options Preferences Settings using i of these methods:
  2. Under One-click search engines Search Shortcuts , remove the check mark next to each search engine y'all don't want to use.
    Fx78SearchEngineList Fx83settings-HideSearchEngine

Remove search engines

To remove a search engine, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Search panel in Firefox Options Preferences Settings using one of these methods:
  2. Under One-click search engines Search Shortcuts , click on the search engine you desire to remove.
    Fx78-RemoveSearchEngine Fx83settings-RemoveSearchEngine
  3. Click the Remove button to take information technology off your list.

Note: If a search engine is added back afterwards y'all restart Firefox, it may be a Firefox extension. Those can exist removed using the Add-ons manager (see Disable or remove Add-ons for details).

Adding back a removed search engine

If you remove a search engine that you added yourself and you lot change your mind, you'll have to add together information technology back again, either from the Search bar or accost bar by visiting the website or by reinstalling the Search engine add-on (see above).

If you remove any of the default search engines that are congenital into Firefox, you'll take to become to your Firefox Options Preferences Settings console and click the Restore Default Search Engines button in the One-click search engines Search Shortcuts section to bring them dorsum.

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