
how to change the color of leather

This guide will show you how to change the color of a leather sofa. We volition exist changing of a small seat from a light beige color to maroon to demonstrate the correct procedure of changing the color of leather.

A color change tin be made from whatsoever color to another, i.eastward. black to white, or white to black, with just as successful results.

The Leather Colorant Kit used in this guide can be used to change the color of all leather, vinyl, plastic, PVC & leather material motorcar interiors.

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This photograph shows a seat cushion we volition be changing from beige to maroon.


Leather Colorant Kit - Used to change the color of leather

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The first step is preparing the leather prepare for applications of color. We do this to remove whatsoever waxes, oils or silicones that may be present on the leather, not removing these could cause adhesion problems. Prepping the leather besides removes the manufactured finish. If the leather is very dirty, clean it showtime with the leather ultra clean or warm soapy water.

Do the dorsum & sides get-go. A lot of piece of furniture these days have finished splits on the dorsum & sides and using a strong cleaner similar the leather prep would strip the colour off and so we won't be using it on the sides. For the sides all you demand to do is wipe them down with some booze cleaner on a cloth. Not prepping the back and sides as thoroughly every bit the residue of the leather won't bear on the end results, this is because the back and sides aren't actually used and then come up under no, or very piffling stress

Because the seating cushions and other areas come under more stress (habiliment & tear) it is more than important to set them. To exercise this it is best to rub them with the leather prep and an abrasive pad, this awarding removes the leather finish. A good fashion to apply this is to identify two cotton fiber balls on the annoying pad and so moisture them in prep, fold the annoying pad over the balls and so apply information technology to rub the leather. This fashion applies the prep in the correct and sparing way making the production final longer.

Prepping the leather in this mode volition remove whatsoever creased and croaky areas on the leather. And then it non only makes the leather fix for coloring only information technology greatly improves its advent. Any severe cracks can be filled using heavy filler.

The leather is correctly prepped when y'all start to see colour transfer from the leather onto the abrasive pad or cloth. This indicates that the finish has been removed exposing the colour beneath. Any distinctive creases in the leather may clothing through quicker than other areas in one case colour is applied (this would only happen on a color change job, and is just a possibly). To reduce the take a chance of this happening moisture some fine form sandpaper (320+) in leather prep and rub along the crease to reduce it. Then proceed to the next footstep.


The previous stride volition have removed the manufacturers end and any silicones that are soluble in solvents. There are however some silicones similar spray on polish and waxes that aren't soluble in solvents, and then to remove these we demand to use the alcohol cleaner. Subsequently using the leather prep wipe the leather downward with a cloth dampened in the alcohol cleaner and for ease of apply you could also spray the alcohol cleaner directly onto the leather. At present expect 30 minutes for the cleaners to evaporate.


Shake the bottle of colorant for about 3 minutes to brand sure it is well mixed. Pour a pocket-size amount onto a sponge and rub into the leather. The idea is to sponge on a thin coat of color working it into any gaps, creases and hard to accomplish areas. Utilise light force per unit area here to piece of work the colorant into the grain. If you utilise too much pressure you lot may get a cream of color on the surface, this is not a trouble, but wipe it away with the sponge (gently).

The prototype to the left shows what the leather should wait similar subsequently one awarding of color. Do NOT endeavour to attain a perfect end with the beginning coat.

The colorant dries naturally or yous can speed it upwardly with a pilus drier. After applying ane base coat, utilise two more than coats of colorant in the same way equally before. Yous tin actually achieve a good terminate without fifty-fifty spraying any color on! However, information technology is best to spray some on as well.


Expect 30 minutes for the colorant to thoroughly dry then keep to spray the colorant onto the leather. Set up your spray gun or airbrush and then spray the leather at a comfy distance, being conscientious not to over apply the color. It is best to practice a flake on a piece of paper to go the hang of spraying showtime. Spray the colorant on in thin layers. This avoids runs and and then makes for a nicer finish.

Because the colorant nosotros're using is water based information technology takes a few minutes to dry out. We, therefore, propose you to spray one area so dry out it using a hair drier. Doing it this way reduces the chance of runs. If you lot do see a run, just wipe it off with a textile or sponge and then re-spray the area.

At that place is no right number of coats that should exist practical to the leather. Spray on 1 glaze and dry information technology off, then just keep spraying on a coat at a fourth dimension until all the base color is subconscious. When you are happy that sufficient colorant has been practical, the Leather Finish should be sprayed on to the leather. First apply the glossy Super-Seal, in three-five coats, this forms the base of an incredibly flexible and durable finish. The glossy appearance, if unintended, volition exist contradistinct to the desired finish with the application of the Leather Terminate.

After the super-seal has been given sufficient time to dry out, the remaining leather finish should be applied, again using the unabridged contents of the bottle provided to cover the entire area in between 3 to five coats. Always remember to exit sufficient fourth dimension for each glaze to dry before applying the side by side.


The higher up two images are of the seat thoroughly colored. As standard, the leather has a slight shine to it. This can exist either increased using a gloss stop, matted downwards using a matt finish or kept the same using a satin finish. Our customer required a matt stop for this item, which is shown in the pictures below.

We tin can't find products matching the option.


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