
How To Change Folder Names From Uppercase To Lowercase In Windows

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  • If i create a folder in Powershell with:

    New-Detail D:\TEST -type directory

    The name is all lowercase.

    How tin can i create a binder that the name is similar i wrote information technology?
    And how tin can i rename a folder "exam" to "Test" or "TEST"?

    I searched Google for an hr but its all about bulk renaming.

All replies

  • What you lot posted to a higher place creates the directory as TEST on my motorcar. To rename Test to test or Test, you lot showtime have to proper name it something different, then rename it again to what yous want

    Rename-Detail -Path D:\TEST -NewName Test1 Rename-Item -Path D:\Test1 -NewName Test

    If you lot find that my mail service has answered your question, please marker it as the answer. If you lot detect my post to be helpful in anyway, please click vote as helpful. (99,108,97,121,109,97,110,l,64,110,121,99,97,112,46,114,114,46,99,111,109|%{[char]$_})-join''

    • Edited by Mon, November 6, 2017 12:59 PM typo
    • Proposed as answer past Albert Ling Microsoft contingent staff Tuesday, Nov vii, 2017 2:51 AM
  • Maybe simply a presentation error?
    I do this from my workstation via remote desktop on my Hyper-V 2016 server.

    Name says "VMs"
    But "cd VMs" shows "VMs" and "cd vms" shows "vms"??

    Also if i open up the Hyper-5 Director on my Workstation and browse with "audit disk" the name is lowercase. Merely there are others that are all upper-case letter.

  • Ah, I see that. Aye does the same on my machine, folder proper name is Test, but if I cd TEST so information technology shows every bit TEST. Since folders and files on Windows are example insensitive it is going to the proper folder, so you should non have whatsoever problems.

    Different in Unix/Linux where you can take two files called Exam and test because information technology is example sensitive, Windows is case insensitive so y'all tin only have 1 file in a folder chosen Test, equally test and TEST will all exist the same.

    If you lot observe that my postal service has answered your question, please marker information technology equally the answer. If y'all detect my mail service to exist helpful in anyway, please click vote as helpful. (99,108,97,121,109,97,110,fifty,64,110,121,99,97,112,46,114,114,46,99,111,109|%{[char]$_})-join''

  • That is purely a upshot of the way PowerShell sets the electric current path.  It sets it using the string as you lot typed it. The folder proper noun volition always exist the exact casing you used to create information technology. TO prove this just await at the folder in File Explorer.

    THe same effect does not happen on CMD


    • Edited by jrv Monday, November 6, 2017 2:05 PM
  • I constitute something like this to be ridiculously hard in powershell, renaming folders to uppercase.  I ended up invoking cmd.  You lot could put "write-host" in front of "cmd" to exam out what strings would be run.  This thread had the almost "google juice" for this topic.

    get-childtiem -recurse -directory -path "parentfolder" |
    foreach { cmd /c ren $_.fullname $_.proper name.toupper() }

    • Edited past JS2010 Sunday, Baronial 4, 2019 5:12 PM
  • I found something similar this to exist ridiculously hard in powershell, renaming folders to capital.  I ended upward invoking cmd.  You could put "write-host" in front of "cmd" to test out what strings would exist run.  This thread had the almost "google juice" for this topic.

    get-childtiem -recurse -directory -path "parentfolder" |
    foreach { cmd /c ren $_.fullname $ }


    Get-ChildItem $parentFolder -recurse -Directory |     Rename-Detail -NewName {$_.proper noun.toupper()} -WhatIf

    Simpler and much faster.


  • If you were to really remove the -whatif, you would see how information technology errors out.

    Rename-Particular : Source and destination path must be dissimilar.
    At line:2 char:5
    +     Rename-Item -NewName {$}
    +     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (C:\Users\js\foo\foo2:Cord) [Rename-Item], IOException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RenameItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameItemCommand

    • Edited by JS2010 Dominicus, Baronial 4, 2019 five:36 PM
  • Yes. Now nosotros take a bug in the Internet Framework that does non allow this.   Nosotros can no longer rename an item to its uppercase proper name or to its own name.

    Too bad.


  • Howdy,

    can yous tell me the significant of: cmd /c

    I suppose that ren => rename-detail

  • /c but runs a command with cmd.exe then exits.

  • what is the difference between your code and mine?

    $chemin = "C:\users\administrateur\Desktop\mon_dossier"

    $LesRepertoires = get-childitem -recurse -path $chemin -directory

    foreach ($rep in $LesRepertoires )


    rename-item -path $rep.fullname -Newname($


    Practice y'all want to write the line ( foreach { cmd /c ren $_.fullname $_.proper name.toupper() }) without alias?

  • I am using cmd.exe, not powershell.exe.  Ren is a completely dissimilar command than rename-item.  You can as well write "rename".


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